Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 6

Goooood morning...

Yesterday I took the day off from my normal morning routine.  I don't work Tuesdays, and Kevin and I usually go on St. Louis adventures- trying to do all the "St. Louis Things" we can before we move back home.  I knew I was going to have a long day anyway, so I snoozed the alarm when it went off at 5.  We went to the zoo, and probably walked about 2 miles.  Went and had breakfast, then did some various errands which included more walking. 

This morning, I was back at it again.  Rosie and I went the long way around the community.  Around a mile, I think.  I got up extra early so I could come back and do some more work, but I couldn't find any routines online... which led to me just being sucked into the computer.  But, that did lead me somewhere positive.  Found something called "Beyond Diet."  Trying currently to decide whether I want to spend $47 on this program ($47, one time, that's it... I've already learned a lot just from their promo.  I think it may be worth it??) which includes access to their community, meal plans, etc.  It could be really good for me.  I think I want to.  Eeeeeee. 

Gotta shower. <3

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